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Cell Phone Guidelines

Cell Phone Guidelines

Students may bring cell phones to school as long as they remain turned off and out of sight during the school day. Students not in compliance with the district policy will have their cell phone confiscated and turned in to the front office.  Parents may pick up the device any day of the week from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Parents will be charged the $15.00 fee per the PISD Student Code of Conduct page 63. 


1st Offense = Phone confiscated, Warning, Parent Call, Return at End of Day

2nd Offense = Phone confiscated, Phone turned in to Office, Parent Call, $15 Fee

3rd Offense = Phone confiscated, Phone turned in to Office, Parent Conference with grade level AP,
                                                      $15 Fee
                            ****An additional campus consequence may also be issued for the classroom disruption.


Student Expectations for Electronic Devices

  • Cell phones should be turned off and put away when students are dismissed to breakfast/class each morning.
  • Cell phones are to be out of sight and off for the entire school day.
  • Cell phones should be kept in backpacks. 
  • Under no circumstances should a cell phone be taken into the restroom.  If the student does not have a backpack, they may leave the device with the teacher.
  • cell phone